The work continues. Raspberry Creek Trail is still ours and we’re gonna give it another year of care. We’ll see you there!

Previous years:


The year that will forever be known as the one where Raspberry Creek Trail was officially ours! RFOV offered our humble little event the opportunity to sponsor it annually (we got a sign and everything!). We are now custodians of a trail in a national forest, and for the second year in a row, we trimmed the corridor and improved the trail quality.


The sequel! On Sep. 28 - Oct. 2, we joined RFOV again to this time work on the Raspberry Creek Trail. It was in need of lots of corridor trimming and water drainage structure construction and maintenance. Our crew endured a chilly, rain-soaked morning only to be rewarded with beautiful sunshine (and a side of exhaustion) in the afternoon. We did not bring enough snacks or warm gloves. Everyone toughed through it anyway and we loved them for it.


We joined Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers to move and cover some trails at Roaring Fork Gorge on Friday, Oct. 1. RFOV thrives with the help of large groups of volunteers, so our mission was to give them some serious firepower to work on a local project. Our group exceeded RFOV’s expectations, and what should have been an 8-hour project was over just after lunch.